Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Which Tablet?!

Working in a wireless industry company, I thought buying a smartphone was already difficult enough, but now as I am planning to buy a tablet, the decision is even harder! I know, you might say the obvious choice is iPad. But for me, I like to make some comparisons before making my purchasing decisions. Given there are zillions of tablets out there, some are better equipped than the iPad while others may not, I wish there is a tool that can compare all of them and make a decision for me. Given that tablets are almost replacing desktop PCs and notebook computers at a much accelerated pace, what's the next technology gadgets that may replace the tablets? The sad thing is that we humans always chase for the latest and greatest trend and conforming to societal patterns. On the other hand, this is how part of human civilization continue to evolve, for the better or worse.

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